. It contains the list of parameters that you need to provide to VB * in order to do a correct search. * Brief explanation of all these fields * * Day of the month of arrival date "/> Month of arrival date "/> Year of the arrival date "/> Day of the month of departure date "/> Month of the departure date "/> Year of the departure date "/> Language code (it's a three letters code [eng|due|fra] , for example english,german,french Channel id External agent id (the id of the agent on your system) Destination name (ex. Caribbean) Nr of rooms (If the user select more than one room he will be asked for specify distribution of people among rooms (how many adults and children on each room)) Number of children (If the user select 1 or more children he will be asked for specify the age of each childs) "/> "/> "/> "/> "/> "/>
0) { ?>
0) { foreach ($filter_list as $filter) ?> nome; ?>
0) { ?>

Book button example
Hotel XXXX, click here to go to the hotel page. (Dates can be omitted, it should automatically filled as today - tomorrow)
&mese_inizio=&anno_inizio=&giorno_fine=&mese_fine=&anno_fine=">Book NOW